Thursday, March 16, 2006

Equality for the Sexes. Meh....

For as long as I can remember, women have been going on & on about being the same respect and treatment that men get. Equality for the sexes as it were. Bullshit. So far to my experience, limited as it may have been, women tend to conveniently forget this whenever they want to.
There is more I want to say on the subject but I shall desist. Not because I fear debate on my views but of fear for my delicate body. You see I have a couple of female friends who shall we say have no apparent respect for the more delicate parts of the male anatomy and personal space.
After all, I am a firm believer of the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".
Perhaps later, when I am clear of the danger of being drunk, passed out & unable to defend myself from the women who have been glaring lasers at my back as I write this. Muahahahahahahah!!(evil laugh)

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