Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Tattooed Enigma

She sits in front of me

A row away to the right,

Draped in those ebony locks

A vision of cherubic perfection.

She sits over hunching,

Looking from time to time,

Away from ardent page

Where she talks to herself

Through loops of tribal sketches.

Talking of overt authority

And the people’s consent,

And their leaders true

And their killer’s moves,

What spins in your mind?

I ask thee classmate,

Girl with the dragon tattoo.

For it caught my eye

First and foremost,

That snaking shape

That reared grandly

Across her left shoulder,

Swirling from under dress

In one long sinuous curve.

O’ twisting Green Dragon

Why your fierce eyes,

Is that not thine guise?

Do you spurn thy mount,

And yearn for thine skies?


Meaning What

I’ve heard this before,

Again just now, about

Milling around meaning.

Myopic nomads in desserts

Yearning for better whys.

Myriad hordes through time

Enter this vaunted debate,

Agonising over reason and how

Naught in tales or lives

Inspires great thought or heart,

Never aspires to lofty heights

Going on round the meaning cart.

Admiring hawkers and vendors,

Never seeing the solitary roads

Deep in the market’s twisted lanes.

It’s not pity nor cousin empathy

That stops by my modest house,

Is it disdain then when I see

Swaying drunkards tottering about?

Other vintages just catch my eye

Nothing more and never less.

Learning from growing rocks,

Yielding to the sighs of the unsaid.

Minds opening eyes brightly keen

Imbibing essence from empty cups,

Near the surface, `neath the frothy waves

Easing through seas in my submarine.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lingering In the Small Hours.

Three have rung since midnight,
My pen paws and waits
As I collect my still friends,
Those quietly yearning thoughts
That meditate and wait,
Till we begin the call to hunt.

Friends and my mates
Away in the distance,
Perhaps by some need,
Have communed, and are
Still on churning walls
That call to webs,
Which stretch net-like
To catch collected feeling.

Over, and down hills
We chase the essence
Of my ticking heart,
My Lady, she so fair
I map every point,
Of her soul on body
That wears it's beauty.
Complexity that beguiles
Yet with no wiles,
Save her I's and My's.

Glen Goyne calls to us
As Baileys raises glass,
But we can't answer.
Constitution of body
Allows not sweet partake,
Of that sublime spirit
Trickling from Emerald Isle,
And my anguished wail
Travels the Highlands.
The silvered packets
Of eight and ten,
Attest my morning elegy.

The cigarette burns
Consumed by intake,
I hold it 'twixt fingers
That casually flick ash,
And then a question.
What smokes me?

Must I rhyme,
Continue my pantomime?
Should this be dropped
And that left behind?
Could I change my ways
To swim in strange streams?

Would I care to listen
That someone writes my dreams?

And I wonder
As I'm wont to do,
Does all end well?
In fire or ice, or
The urinal of want,
In some obscure corner
Of a garbage dump;
Will we find on the floor
Like in bad cups of chai,
The sodden dregs
Of our dreary world?

But now as before
I must content being,
With the songs of redemption
That Jamaican lustily sang.
He who was shot with lead
Still believed and said,
Love and peace my brethren.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Stirring Emptied Cups

There are birds here
There and now in then,
I can see them
Could watch beaks and eyes,
But then and now still
I can't hear their souls
Or yet perceive flight.

There still be flowers
Here and there,
Sometimes in when,
I could look at them
Can caress their petals,
But now and then
I couldn't smell their being,
Still can't sense their colour.

I sit inside and out there
Having held my empty cup,
I had seen it's clay
And known it's every crease,
I drank from it
Then and till now,
I sip it's subtle content
Here and again will,
In slowing trickles
Spill onto paper,
To begin my wait
For visited reflection.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Refusal.

Pondering the lay of the world
Witnessing the way of events,
Floating in this listless sea
Do you not feel sick?

Don't you taste that slimy slug
Slithering ooze bold and thick,
As it cloys the world and self
With trails of fiery words, soured emotion
Closing your mouth with it's clammy plug?

Can't you hear that rattle and clink
That follows the slam of drawers,
As clacking keys move vault doors
That clang shut in cavernous sound,
And yet fail to muffle the constant blare
Of the wailing whir of money counters?

Can't you see the vivid smear
Of leering Pride and mounting Ego
That rapes the innocence of good Intention,
While the hustler Greed chalks his cue
And pockets his ball in the left corner,
As he eye's Necessity's deepening cleavage
As she bends over the table clad in sultry red?

Don't you smell the thickening fumes
That rise from the bog of arrogance,
Which bubbles and boils in this heat
With the wafting perfume of lilies,
From crushed petals strewn about,
That swell through the stench of smoke?

Shouldn't you sense, by now,
The corruption of an imperfect ideal
Or the pandering of weaker wills,
Polluting the instance with circumstance
Inviolating the mitigation of damnation?

This is the home stretch, no doubt.
Nearing the future with soft tread,
Ought the blade cleave the mists
While the ploughshare yet exists?


Monday, May 24, 2010

Right then, Nobility.

Some time has passed
Since the witching hour began.
And having watched a drama
Of men and empire,
Where Union Jack rode forth,
Pensively I sit
Thinking is his language,
And drinking his scotch.
High in my house, sixteen floors
Keep me from the ground,
I lean out of my window
And look.

To the right,
The dunes of Arabia abound,
The desert that passively saw
The inception of man.
Man who'd tread her sands
And spread to all the earth,
Taking from her fingers
All that she would give, and more.
A loan never recognised
Yet disdained with interest,
Her payment instead
Is spit in her face.

To the left,
Piles of mortar and steel stretch.
Those towers that house
The teeming masses,
That throb and thrive to get
Entry into exclusive comfort,
That now slumber to begin again
that pointless scrabbling,
Perhaps forgetting something
In their dash for success.
For the din of baying hounds
Drowns our ears, and sense
Fails to pierce patented helmets.
In our patented leather jackets
Wearing patented felt boots,
As we hunt that wily fox
Who looks back, all the while
With a wide grin.

But when I turn
Mine eyes below,
Life looks back at me.
Amidst a sea of cars
Parked neatly like bricks,
A lone figure works.
A wet cloth swabs
Testaments to edifice,
For that is what they are,
Removing the grime
From the desert's sands,
Off shiny chrome shells.
Tiring now, he finishes one,
Pushes his cart to the next,
This one's run-down
Old and battered,
But still that man
Took no pause.
With none to oversee,
He cleans that beat up car
That is somebody else's,
And moves to the next.

Should I have looked up,
Away, I would see the floors
Above me, and naught else.
For the night-time halo
Of our civilized world,
Shields our view
Of the sympathetic stars.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Stilted Smile

The joyborn free giggles
Of those pig-tailed little girls,
Skips on heat that mingles
To rides humidity's threads.
A flipping coin to those adults,
The plodding resigned sods
Who waver between laughs
And tears.

House, park, carnival or life;
the background is an oblivious spectator
To sundry puppet shows of motley souls,
Celebrating humanity, that mimics convention.
Adrift , bereft of barbed anchors, I watch,
From the solitary island of mind.
My being stares out at the breakwaters,
Unsure of the sea-foam, it's salty sting.

I wish, I would that I had seven-foot legs.

From silence, dragged from the thought,
I hear click-clacking of wood on tile.
And through the pell-mell world world,
Wades a lone stilt-walker
Ploughing on with seven-foot legs,
Walking on a here that's somewhere else.
His blue coat-tails swish ducking heads,
Under red top hat, I wonder where his is.

Stilt-walker, on your wooden feet.
O' Stilt-walker, what do you see?

People ooh their dawning ahhs,
Laughing at the gangly figure
With the odd gait and toed knees.
They collect all their mewling herd
To clutch to cling to the ends,
While shutter-bugs flit and flame
Until the final frame is clicked.
Then without even passing thought
The moths fly, buzzing away,
To the nest shiny draw.

Stilt-walker, on your wooden feet,
Stilt-walker, with your painted face,
O' Stilt-walker, what crosses your mind?

The hesitant clouds are numbered,
Their choice is made for them
And they disperse before the onslaught
Of that resplendent Mr. Noon,
As his goring rays will the mulling crowd
To seek shelters of shade and fan.
I see him unthinkingly shrug
And shuffle to lean on kind wall,
He pulls himself to his throne
Slowly stretching his reaching shanks,
He pulls out a yard of black cloth
That wipes a sweat-logged face,
And undoes those cutting straps
That gaspingly free yearning feet,
And grimaces, straining to bend,
To wearily rub aching toes.
I see the flash of artifice
Turn into a silhouette,
Of a man.

Stilt-walker, on your wooden feet,
Stilt-walker, with your painted face,
Stilt-walker, wearing your stilted smile,
O' Stilt-walker, what do you feel?


Overture : A Tribute to Neil Gaiman

The pen's whirling dance,
It's twenty-six step tango on page
Revels truth, in what the mind could be,
And folly, in only what the heart see's.

That sensual movement of emotion's finger
Drawing designs on intellect's chest,
Where each lingering stroke is, and
Has purpose, beyond creation.

Lost in transalation, lost in spell
The couple moves cheek to cheek,
dancing on the beaches of infinity
Leaving us their footsteps to read.

For in their wake, if one could see,
One would realise the hands of Destiny.
Thumbing through the truths in his tome,
The card dealer of the ultimate game.

They exist too in Dream's dominion
He who whispers them to meld his power.
The ruler of ephemeral allthought
Where if, and could, then we would.

They bear the brand of Desire,
That scintillating, bemusing spoor.
It, that's pawing shell ever grows,
It that resides in every living heart.

Sifting through them one can find
That wafting musk of Despair,
She who lurks in every shadow
That enters her grey-scale halls.

Some have sprung from Delight,
She who skips in every laugh.
She, who has no rules to joy,
Playing hide-seek in glass forests.

They've wandered Deliriums desert's,
Trudging through her fractured domain,
Under half dripping suns, stopping by
The inquiry booth by the White Rabbit.

They resound of Destruction's rage,
Whose solemn dirge breaks worlds.
He who lusts for the end of each, all,
He, who divines the last fall.

At the end of their slow waltz,
The whistling wind settles down.
And as flying hair veils meeting lips,
There is the sound of Her great wings.

And there is Death.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where I Am.

Lying on patchy carpets of sandy green,
The day-kissed sky enfolds existence,
In breezes of willowy white fingers,
As for that moment, I live and write.

Reverie broken by mulling disbelief,
I turn my face to the gathering milieau,
Of bellowing seagulls, that clamour to seek,
The cause for my reticient positivity.

The world's orchestra, it's unseen maestro,
Sibilantly provide the fuel and purpose.
Or so they caim, and secure a herd hold
Over sodden skies, flying under the horizon.

The seaspray drives me to different currents,
That lead me through riptides to darkest abyss.
My sea floor is fathoms deeper, it's surface
Scattered with far older thoughts.

The happiness of sheep, in itself,
Contends contentedly with chewing cud.
My happiness is a many wondered thing,
Bright sides offset by darker understanding.

Innocence intrinsic in a baby's smile,
Enters the world to faith's benediction, and
Fundamentalism's twnty-one gun salute,
That slowly seep into that ideal, in stacatto.

Progress is a feverish snail crossing quagmire,
Of blotchy indistinct tragedies, that ferment
On certain curtains that conceal, the world,
The end. So the politicians mote it be.

The dead's bodies have become horses,
That causes whip the mileage out of.
Love is now neatly shelved, orderly labelled,
By the middle-age virgin librarian that is society.

Rebels without cause strive for resonance,
Floundering in individual meaning's deep pond.
Those who come after, looking at us through glass,
Are future's illusions regarding dead pasts.

That which lies beyond a grasping mind,
Further hindered by self's choking smog,
Is relegated to the gates of nothingness,
Which are thought to open, but never do.

So smile, laugh and love, in ignorance-
We are the punchline of a cosmic joke.
And yet, I am Jonathan Livingstone,
Seagull, and so much more.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Deceptively Good Roads

Back when we yet haunted caves,
huddling around meagre fires,
Peering past the mouth of security,
Didn't we wonder what was beyond?

Seeing mountains, didn't we wish bigger?
Hearing bird song, didn't we fantasize better?
Sensing an end, didn't we hop faster?
Tasting failiure bemoaning we weren't stronger?

When the night's quiet was eviscerated,
By some jungle's feral manifestation,
Feeling an almost tangible caress over our jugular,
Didn't we pray for four walls?

Wrapped in pallid straw, straining to ignore
The garrulous meetings of stomach lining,
Crawling to escape the world's accusing glare,
Didn't we beg for deliverance, even a mirage?

But as Time sashayed through history,
The road improved. With only the rare
Pothole to cross, we put down the pedal,
Ignoring damage to chassis and soul.

Civilization's girders lined the roadsides,
Along our fast lane. We laughed,
Accepting and ignoring the illusuion of others,
We sang a myriad groaning tone.

The drunken sun had staggered west,
Shadows kept gettting darker and deeper,
The further we ventured into Civilization,
The sketchy horizon barrenly stretched.

An inherant sense warily perused our direction,
Disturbed, we paused to confirm our bearing.
Pointing bent sextants at daylit skies,
Hope becomes a wet finger waiting for fair wind.

Turning to a broken billboard for relief,
We pee on tattered corroded paper that
Show helping hands being viciously spurned,
Could we concieve, that we took a wrong turn?



The wily blank page almost took me
But let go, and bested me in disdain.
Dissonantly, I retreat to the yawning trenches,
Sliding, into that grim muted throb.

Inside, the ones wear matte grey gas masks.
Festering wounds and twisted bones
Ignored, as a field of eyes swings towards me,
A bulb flashed, and in every eye I saw me.

Peering past ghostly smoke, I turn to tread
Over pulsing embers, alongst gutted corridors.
Through holes above, the broken hulk of edifice looms,
As footsteps in ashes of hubris mark my path.

In grimy half darkness I grope my way,
Past littered broken things and jagged edges,
Stumbling through the clawing pregnant vacuum
Until I reach the end, that thrice-damned wall!

Sickened by complacent defeat, lethargic spirit,
With last vestige of breath, I beat against
The iron vileness that chokes the multitude of words,
They who create and people my world.

Battered hands shatter unyielding indifference,
Until it cracks, and expression trickles forth!
My war cry melds with the growing storm of sound,
As the legions of words leap the barricade.

And riding the crest of that omnipotent wave,
Enraptured, I am become a forge!
Flinty ideas become the iron-tipped arrows
Which desecrate the vaunted halls of apathy.

Pages fly, ink spills and broken words die,
Until The page kneels under my bladed nib.
The melody of word song fills the world,
And something new, shoots from the bullet holes.
