Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Writer's Block Sucks. Period.

This has to be the longest time've gone without posting since I've started this little write up. And the reason can be solely attributed to the most abominable catastrophe that can happen to any budding writer, yes ladies and gnts I am refering to writer's block. Since I came home, I have been enjoying time spent with my family and getting back in touch with them and other people I know in the area. I have spent a lot of time in the gym in an effort to lsoe weight and .... lose weight. I have also been re-introduced to my allergies which had left me alone in Canada only to come back with a vengence, blasted sand!! But than it isnt exactly the sand's fault, it was here first after all about a billion years ago. Sheesh!! But that doesn't mean I can't complain about it!! MUAHAHAHA!! Take that sand!! ..... look at me, this is bloody well pathetic!! Im resorting to abusing sand, how far I have sunk.
But I digress, back to the subject at hand. Since I have come here, I really haven't got many ideas to write about, there were a few but I discounted them as being too cliche. Perhaps later when I am totally out of things to write about (koff force my opinions onto people koff). Anyways, whatever. I'll come up with something.

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